22% OFF Gift Cards & SUP Yoga Packages

Now Offering Holiday Gift Cards 22% OFF Happy Holidays Yogis, as we approach the final days of 2021, I invite you to reflect on the last twelve months. For me, it was a year dedicated to a gratitude practice. In return, I received a true understanding that happiness is my birthright. This was my 2ndContinue reading “22% OFF Gift Cards & SUP Yoga Packages”

Yoga for Confidence

The acknowledgment of your true self, you’re uniqueness, & creativity & learning to harness your powers leads to confidence. You can effective get in tune with your mind-body-spirit connection with Yoga In a time where “filters” have become the norm & anything less than perfection seems to be frown upon, where one tiny flaw canContinue reading “Yoga for Confidence”

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for beginning or revisiting yogis embarks on a baby steps journey into asana & foundational yoga postures. This 45 Minutes Yoga for Beginners has foundational yoga postures offering the greatest benefits with the lowest risk. Anybody can lubricate joints, improve balance & posture, stimulate digestion, calm the nervous system & free your mind atContinue reading “Yoga for Beginners”

Yoga for Runners

Simple yoga practice will improving performance & prevent injuries, all while obtaining a Free State of Mind. Yoga is the perfect activity for Runner’s recovery! Simple practice will loosen tight spots, strengthens weak areas, improve flexibility, increase range of motion, & muscular strength, improving performance & preventing injuries, all while obtaining a Free State ofContinue reading “Yoga for Runners”

Yoga for Tech Neck

Yoga for “Tech Neck,” calms stressed neck & shoulder pain, stiffness, & soreness from using phones, tablets, and computers all day! Research shows that up to an astounding 60 lbs of pressure rest on the upper cervical spine with every text, IG post or email to the boss & the average length of time peopleContinue reading “Yoga for Tech Neck”